Get To Know the People Making Freecember’s Wristbands!

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Freecember is honored to support the work of global organizations making a local impact. One of these is Common Good: Kolkata. For many families living in poverty are faced with decisions that no family would like to make. Decisions around when and who can eat, which child, if any, can go to school and even if the family can afford to stay together.

These are not uncommon decisions for millions of people around the world.

These ethically produced wristbands have been made by people that face decisions like this every day. They are the battlers of the world that keep striving towards a better life no matter how hard it is to believe that a different life is possible.

Families like this made these Limited Edition Freecember wristbands. And the money for them helps people have good jobs so they can make good choices for their families. And move that different life from possibility to reality.

Can little old wristbands really change the world? Maybe... They can certainly help make a world of difference for these families, this community and the Common Good.

Check out their story at Thank you for helping make the difference!

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