New Year's Eve (Week 4.5 Update)

Dear Freedom Raisers,

Quick New Year's Eve update before I go for my final 5k run of Freecember... 

We've crossed $12,000!

  • HUG Project - $6,146    (Only $1,354 more and TeamHUG teams would fully fund one Thai staff person // one staff 81% funded!)
  • WMFBolivia - $5,075     ($2,125 more would reach WMFB's goal of $7,200 // 70% there!)
  • IJM UK & Aus - $1,017   (Go UK & Oz, Freedom Raisers!)


Okay, gonna go for my final 5k run : ) It'll take me just over 100 miles for Freecember. 

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! as we finish up and follow up on behalf of the people of WMFBolivia, HUG Project and IJM who are on the frontlines of freedom and all the individuals they are serving.
