Become the Difference.

Lead. Freedom.


Lead (or co-lead) a team

to take Freecember challenges,


raise even more funds for and awareness of

an anti-trafficking organization making a difference.

(like thousands of dollars, pounds, euros...)

Check out these team totals:

1641 for IJM.png
Lucs Hockey Crowdrise.png
Not For Sale Crowdrise.png


Become the difference.

Empower others to raise freedom!


It can be hard for people to take a challenge solo,

so your invitation, encouragement, support and/or coordination

can help your team raise more funds and freedom together than any of you could on your own.


How Leading a Freecember Team Works in 5 Simple Steps

  1. Choose your charity

  2. Invite people to take a challenge with you

  3. Decide your team fundraising goal

  4. Set up your team fundraising page

  5. Encourage & support your team


NOTE: not everyone on a team has to do the same challenge (see raise freedom for some ideas), the main thing is working toward a team fundraising goal together.

AND: we can help you set up your team fundraising page or with any other questions you have along the way!



Lead a freecember team. Raise even more freedom!


Got questions?


Ready to Get Started?

Register now to make it official

Lead A Team. lead Freedom.